2024 Duckett-Pyles Family Reunion Update Form Please complete this form to let the family know about events that have happened since we last gathered in August 2022. Enter your first name * Enter your last name * List the name and birthdates of any children born since August 2022. Name of Child Born Since August 2022 Birthdate of child born since August 2022. List the name of any family member who has passed away since August 2022. Family Member who has passed away since August 2022. Date Family Member Passed Away List the name of any family members who have gotten married since August 2022...or celebrated a milestone anniversary. Names of the bride and groom. Wedding Date List the name of any family members who have graduated since August 2022. List the name of any family members who have graduated from High School, Trade School, or College since August 2022. Choose the graduation level. Select one Pre-K or Kindergarten Elementary School Middle School High School Trade School Undergraduate College Grad School List the name of any family members who have received promotions, awards, or have retired since August 2022. List the name of any family members who have received promotions, awards, or have retired since August 2022. Tell us about the award, promotion, or retirement. Submit